Your Health Has Two Options

Jan 15, 2020

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This year, one or two things will happen with your health. it’ll either get better, or it’ll get worse.


Whichever turn your health will take this year will depend on one thing mainly- your choice to challenge yourself.

Your results (or lack thereof) depend on your choice to train (exercise) and on your nutrition.

That’s right, you are what your eat (and absorb). Though working out will help you tone up and may help you achieve minor weight loss, it’ll do so only if what you eat is aligned with the way that you train.

Otherwise, you will be wasting your energy and time trying grinding in the gym but not getting anywhere.

How frustrating is it when you put in the effort and don’t achieve the results you’re looking for?

It’s the worst because it turns into a mental mind-f**k and you end up either going through the motions and hating it… or just quitting, none of which will help to improve your health OR body composition… not to mention confidence going wayyy down!

So what’s a girl (or guy) to do if you want to lose the weight that has accumulated over the holidays, or over the the past few years?

Join me in my Personalized Training program:

Here is what you get when you sign up:

  • Personalized nutrition platform- created just for you based off of your goals, height, weight, level of activity and age.
  • Quality food guide- to inform you of which foods will be better suited for you based on your goals (this is a meal plan with food substitutions.  You’re given recommendation depending on your goals)
  • Pre done grocery shopping list- so that when you go to the store you won’t have to spend hours trying to figure out what you should get
  • Recipes- quick, simple and delicious meals that support a busy lifestyle
  • Coaching- The resources that I provide you inform you of WHAT it is that you have to do but your coaching clarify WHY and HOW to do it, It’ll provide you with clarity, simplicity and results.

If you have anymore questions that aren’t answered, reply to this email.

Join here for my online customized training programs:

Join here for my membership, general guidance for clients who are on a low budget but wants a good fitness plan:

NEW START DATE TBA – Join my 60 Day Lifestyle Transformation Challenges here:

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