Training Phase 1
You will follow the Phase 1 workouts for the first three weeks of the program.
Phase 1 Training Split
Day 1: Monday Shoulders/Chest/Abs
Day 2: Tuesday Glutes/Hamstrings/Calves
Day 3: Wednesday Arms/Abs
Day 4: Thursday Rest
Day 5: Friday Legs/Glutes/Calves
Day 6: Saturday Back/Arms/Abs
Day 7: Sunday Rest
At-Home Workouts
These are challenging times, so you will be working out from home this Challenge – which means less equipment than you are normally working with.
Intensity Techniques Defined
You will be using a number of different intensity techniques in this program. These are designed to – you guessed it! – push past your limits by increasing the intensity of your workouts.
Supersets – Two exercises performed back-to-back without resting between individual exercises. Rest when both exercises are completed.
Trisets -Three exercises performed in a row without resting between individual exercises. Rest when all three exercises are completed.
Giant Sets – Four or more exercises performed in a row without resting between individual exercises. Rest when all exercises in the Giant Set are complete.
Drop Sets – Performing three or more sets back-to-back-to-back with no rest in between, lowering the weight by about 20% with each “drop”. You will start with a heavy weight – one you can do for the prescribed number of reps – and reach failure with that weight. Once you do, you will “drop” (decrease) the amount of weight you are using and then immediately perform another set. Once you reach the prescribed amount of reps with that weight, you will “drop” the weight one more time and perform one more set with that lighter weight.
Training Tips
Warm up properly! Each workout calls for warmup sets your first few exercises. You should not be struggling at all on these warmup sets. Focus on stretching and squeezing the muscle.
Use proper form. Form is key to working the muscle you are targeting and staying injury-free.
Perform slow and controlled repetitions. Stretch, flex, and squeeze (at the top) during each repetition.
Rest for 45 to 60 seconds between sets unless otherwise called out on the training charts. If you need to rest longer you can, but keep in mind this will increase the length of your workout.