My first picture is me at my heaviest in March of this 2018. The second is me now, down over 100 pounds.
This seems so surreal…. as I have never found anything that has helped me to loose weight, believe me when I tell you I have tried everything!!
My turning point was when we took our children to Santa’s Village in June of 2018. I couldn’t ride on most of the rides with my kids because of my weight. This tore my heart out and another family member had to go on with them. This was when I knew I had to do something!!
I’m so glad I found MOCO Fitness!!
My husband Philip Patterson is an amazing support and I am so glad we are traveling this road to a healthier life together
I cannot thank MOCO enough! Her encouragement, support, and friendship is so incredibly appreciated There is no trainer like MOCO!
So excited for the next goal!!
#slayyourgoals #fitfam #teamMOCO #believeinyourself

Monique helped me achieve (and surpass) one of my bucket-list goals. I had always wanted to give competing a try. Just once, I wanted to be at my peak condition and grace the stage. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to achieve. When I finally made the decision to cross it off my list, I didn’t really know where to start. I had watched Monique receive medals on the very stage I aspired to walk. I reached out to her, and this is where she began to help me bring my goals to life.
As soon as I reached out to her, she was immediately supportive and excited to take me on as a client. She intentionally learned who I am and therefore understood me as an individual. Because of this I felt the program she prepared for me was unique and matched the goal I was specifically trying to achieve. Monique was there for me every step of the way: answering questions, motivating, providing guidance, normalizing the unknown and most of all, encouraging me.
Monique not only helped me achieve my goals, but also helped me to surpass them. At my very first competition, I came home with two medals, and qualified for Provincials. I’ll forever be grateful to Monique for the important part she played in this unforgettable journey and life-changing process.
Before I started training with MOCO I was discouraged, ashamed and had a negative body image. I hated to have my picture take and I dreaded shopping for new clothes, not liking what I saw in the mirror.
Activity exhausted me to the point I would sometimes be laid up for a day or two. I suffered from pain and stiffness and getting out of bed in the morning felt like a chore. I couldn’t’ bend down to put on my shoes.
I decided I wanted to enjoy my life, be active with my grandkids and soak in everything retirement had to offer.
Working with my Trainer was great and I began to see success. My Trainer was encouraging, persistent and knowledgeable, knowing how to help me achieve my goals. Working with Monique, we brought my body fat percentage from 39.7 per cent to 24 per cent. My muscle mass has increased from 102 pounds to a healthy 110 pounds.
I am so thankful to Monique as I feel much happier, stronger and healthier. Even my doctor says I look great! I strongly encourage anyone who wants to improve their well-being and health to work with a Personal Trainer.
Read a Media Article About Catherine’s Transformation

When I was younger, I was lean and active. With getting older, things changed and I put on weight. I would work out and lose some weight and then gain it back, “The yoyo effect” I knew nutrition was important but with all the different options out there, I did not have an understanding on “how to eat healthy” or what option would be best suited for me.
I started to feel down about my weight and felt like although I was hitting the gym regularly, I was not seeing the results I wanted.
I decided to reach out to Monique to ask for some guidance, thinking she can’t possibly train me as I live over 300 kilometres away in Toronto. She took her time to answer questions I had and informed me about her custom virtual program. She advised me, it would be tailored to my goals and would encompass not just a workout plan but also the nutrition piece. I was skeptical at first about trying a virtual plan but she said pay for one month and see how you like it and go from there.
I have now been on Monique’s virtual plan for the last 11 months and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I went from weighing 187lbs to 145lbs and built muscle along the way and have toned my shape. She sends a customized workout plan and is always there to answer any questions you have and provide encouragement, support and modifications where needed. If you’re unsure how to do something, she will send you videos to demonstrate the right way. You can also send her videos of you performing exercises and she will provide feedback on your form and ensure you are doing the exercises correctly and safely. Her nutrition plans are easy and tasty and make meal prepping a cinch. There are weekly email check- ins to track how you did for each week which helps you to stay accountable. If you miss a week or have a bad cheat week, there is never any judgement, only love, encouragement and support.
What did her plan do for my life?
Improved Health
With being overweight, I did not have the greatest endurance and struggled with cardio exercise. I also developed knee pain and was easily fatigued. Monique customizes the plan every time you renew. I did not start off with the same plan I have now. I took incremental steps to strengthen my body and increase my stamina and endurance. My cardio has improved greatly and my strength where I no longer have knee pain and have tons of more energy. I once could not run around the block without being winded and I am now running 5k and working to still improve myself each day.
There was a point where I hated to look at myself in the mirror. I would fight with my closet on a regular basis and not feel like I looked good in my clothes or my own skin. I would often choose baggy tops to hide my belly. I went from wearing XL in my tops and bottoms so a size M and sometimes even a S. I feel excited entering my closet each morning deciding what to wear. The confidence I have gained feels amazing and people tell me I have such a zest for life. I’m often complimented on my hard work and dedication and I’m told I am motivational and inspire others.
I have developed a new passion in life. Health and Fitness are now part of my daily living. What once felt like a chore is now a passion and something that I look forward to every single day. Together with Monique I continue to develop and implement new goals and follow a plan to achieve them.
Accomplishing Dreams
When I was younger, I dreamt of becoming a police officer. I chose a different career but with becoming in the best shape I have ever been in, that dream got sparked again. Although I have a great career, I still can’t help but to think about a career as a police officer and what that would be like. Did I miss my chance? Would I have loved it? Should I have taken more steps to pursue that dream?
I decided I wanted to apply to be an Auxiliary Officer to get a feel for the field without having to leave my current career. I learned that there was a physical fitness exam that required the passing grade of 65%. I was worried that I would not be able to pass all the components of the exam and only had 1 month to prepare before the exam date. I spoke with Monique and she said, if you want it and you work for it, you will get it. We tailored my workout plan to prepare me for my exam. I am proud to say that I have just accepted the position of Auxiliary Officer and I could not be more honoured, excited and proud.
Having Monique as my virtual trainer has been an uplifting and inspirational journey. Her dedication and passion for fitness and sharing her knowledge and own journey is contagious. If you’re ready to make a change and put in the time and work, then there is no other trainer you want in your corner other than Monique Cormier. She sleeps, eats and breathes fitness and makes it fun and supportive the entire way. As Monique would say……..Now give me 10 pushups!!!!

In 2015, I was in the best shape of my life. I weighed 135 lbs and had amazing strength. But over the next 4 years, my fitness journey was put on hold for school and work. I gained almost 20 lbs and lost most of my confidence.
I decided to try online personal training with Monique. Right away I was given a workout and meal plan to help me get back to my old self. The workouts were always fun and the meal plan was never boring or bland.
Within 4 months I lost 13 lbs and gained back most of my strength. I’m so happy Monique was there to help me get back on track! I can’t thank her enough.

Monique Cormier (MOCO)
Age: 41
Birth Date: 7/25/78
Birth Place: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Current Residence: North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Height: 5’ 3.5”
Weight: 152 lbs
I ran track throughout my 5 years of high school and never stopped running into my adulthood life. With such a competitive background, I needed something else to satisfy my hunger to compete, I needed to fulfill my competitive drive so I joined the gym. My drive turned into an addiction finding myself at the gym 7 days a week without a purpose. At that time, knowing little about bodybuilding I found happiness but had no identity in the sport. Love found its way into my life and my first pregnancy, the proudest moment of my life, became my worse nightmare diagnosed with a high risk pregnancy placenta praevia, gaining 87 pounds. Depression set in, taking care of my first born son, who I loved and adored so much, I did not give myself permission to take care of myself. Months turned into years and my second son was born and life as a mother seemed to be the only thing that was important until my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer at 52 years of age. Watching my father suffer through this terrible illness changed my life. His body transformation was deteriorating and his spirits were slowly leaving his bright smile. After his death, my outlook and appreciation towards my body became my mission. This mission became my passion, I decided to do some research on bodybuilding and became certified as a Personal Trainer. With my new found devotion to health and fitness, I use my own personal experiences from achieving my own weight loss of over 100 pounds to motivate my clients to love themselves and to be happy, healthy and fit. I teach people how to live a healthy lifestyle and keep weight off forever with life changing results both inside and out. Through my hard work and dedication to my clients, always determined, I am now following my dream to be a top fitness model to motivate the world by sharing my life journey.
My mission is to empower my clients mentally and physically through motivation, education and inspiration. As a Personal Trainer, I specialize in developing sport-specific programs, weight management programs and functional conditioning focusing on how to exercise safely and maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle.